الأربعاء، 10 أغسطس 2011


الأسم : ليونيل اندريس ميسي
المركز : مهاجم
محل الولادة : سانتا في ( الارجنتين )
 تاريخ الولادة :24-6-1987
 الطول :169 سم
 الوزن :67 كغ
ميسي بدء مسيرته في 1995 مع الفريق الأرجنتيني Newell"s old boys , حيث بقي هناك حتى عام 2000 , بعمر 13 عاما , ميسي وعائلته عبروا المحيط الأطلسي ليجربوا حظهم في برشلونة , بعدها انضم للفريق وهو طفل صغير .
ميسي كانت له طريقة تدرج دراماتيكية بين الفئات العمرية لبرشلونة ( اشبالA , ناشئيين B , ناشئيينA ,شبابA, برشلونة C , برشلونة B , برشلونة ) كل هذا في وقت قياسي . في موسم 2003-2004 ميسي حقق حلمه بالانضمام للفريق الاول لبرشلونة , وكان ظهوره الاول في مباراة ودية امام نادي بورتو البرتغالي , في مهرجان احتفالي بافتتاح ملعب الدراغاو .
في الموسم التالي وبعمر ال17 , في 16 اكتوبر 2004 ميسي سجل ظهوره الرسمي الاول مع الفريق , في مباراة الديربي في المونتجويك التي انتهت بالفوز (1-0) , الاصابات التي منعت اللاعبيين من المشاركة , ساعدت ميسي ليظهر اول مرة مع الفريق .
في الاول من مايو 2005 , ميسي اصبح اضغر مسجل هدف في الليغا  في تاريخ برشلونة , الخصم كان " الباسيتي " , ميسي كان يبلغ من العمر , 17 عاما , و10 اشهر و 7 ايام .الرقم كسر فيما بعد بواسطة بويان كركيتش .
في كاس العالم للشباب تحت 20 سنة عام 2005 في هولندا , اضافة الى تتويجه باللقب مع الأرجنتين , ميسي انهى المسابقة كهداف في البطولة , وانتخب كافضل لاعب في البطولة نفسها . وهذا كان بلاشك العامل الرئيسي لاستدعاء ميسي لفريق الارجنتين الاول بسن 18 عاما ,وكنتيجة لذلك ميسي ظهر لأول مرة مع المنتخب الارجنتيني في مباراة ودية مع هنغاريا .
في موسم 2005-2006 , كان الانفجار في موهبة ميسي وكلاعب في الفريق الاول , وكانت بدايته في مباراة خوان غامبر في الكامب نو امام اليوفنتيس الايطالي , كان يستعرض في الميدان وهذا ما حصل ايضا في سنتياغو برنابيو حين فاز برشلونة ب3-0 ,وكذلك في ستامفورد بريدج ملعب تشيلسي , التي اصيب بعدها في عضلة الفخذ , ليحرم من متابعة بطولة التشامبيونز ليغ , ويفقد المباراة النهائية في باريس , كمجموع مباريات لذلك الموسم , لعب ميسي 6 مباريات في دوري الابطال , ومباراتين في الكاس , وسجل ثمانية اهداف .
في الموسم التالي , ميسي اذهل العالم اجمع , بعد ان سجل هدفه الشهير في مرمى خيتافي في بطولة الكاس , على الرغم من انه لم يربح اي لقب في 2006/2007 , ميسي انهى العام كثاني افضل لاعب في العالم , وهذه الحالة استمر للموسم الذي بعده , حيث سجل ميسي 18 هدفا وصنع 10 اهداف اخرى في 40 مباراة , واحرز ثاني افضل لاعب في العالم للموسم الثاني على التوالي .
في موسم 2008/2009 , غادر رونالدنيهو برشلونة , بذلك يصبح ميسي هو نجم الفريق الاول الغير قابل للجدال ,انه الموسم الاول له بدون اصابات , وسجل رقمه القياسي بعدد المباريات والاهداف خلال مسيرته , لعب 51 مباراة وسجل 38 هدف ,الارجنتيني كانت له بصمته في نهائ الكاس والتشامبيونز ايضا , حيث سجل الهدف الثاني في كلتا المباراتين .
ميسي كان كالعادة متواجد مع منتب الأرجنتين , وسجل ظهوره مع المنتخب في كاس العالم 2006 وكوبا اميركا 2007 , وفي صيف 2008 قاد ميسي الأرجنتين في اولمبياد بيكين , ليعودوا الى الديار بالميدالية الذهبية للألعاب الأولمبية .
في سنة 2009-10 كانت سنة مثالية بالنسبة لـ ميسي .. حيث كان المساند الأول لبرشلونة وخصوصاً من خلال تسجيل الأهداف ، حيث استطاع ان يسجل 34 هدف في البطولة ، رغم أنّه لا يلعب كـ ' 9 ' .. تالق كثيراً مع برشلونة وفاز بالبطولة .. وحقق أفضل لاعب في أوروبا في العالم .. والكثير من الجوائز .
ميسي في مونديال 2010 مع الأرجنتين ، لم يحقق شيء جيد ، حيث الضغوط كالمها كانت منصبة عليه ، حيث لم يتمكن من تسجيل فقط هدف واحد .. وقد أقصي بنتيجة قاسية ضد ألمانيا بـ 4-0 .
ميسي لاعب مختلف , انه لاعب خلاق جدا , مع مهارات عالية التي تسمح له باغراق الخصم بكل سهولة , انه لاعب متعدد الاستعمالات يمكنه اللعب في الجهة اليمين والجهة اليسار , وكذلك يستكبع اللعب كرأس حربة .
على الرغم من ذلك هو ليس بطويل القامة , لكن سرعته وقته تجعل تعامله مع الخصوم اسهل , لديه قوة مذهلة , وهو متخصص في جميع الكرات الثابتة , الركنيات , الضربات الحرة , و ضربات الجزاء .
الدم البارد , والقدرة على تحمل المسؤولية في اصعب الأوقات , هي سمة اخرى جعلت من ميسي لاعب الحاضر ولاعب المستقبل ايضا على حد سواء .
ميسي يمتلك الكثير من الصفات .. وأيضاً يتفلهم كثيراً مع تشافي .. ومن خلال ذلك سجل الكثير من الأهداف وأعطى الكثير من الأهداف .
كاس السوبر الاسباني 2010
2009-10 بطولة الليغا
2009-10 كأس العالم للأندية
2009-10 كأس سوبر الأوروبي
2008/2009 بطولة دوري ابطال اوربا
2008/2009 بطولة الليغا
2008/2009 بطولة كاس الملك الاسبانية
2006/2007 كاس السوبر الاسباني
2005/2006 بطولة دوري ابطال اوربا
2005/2006 بطولة الليغا
2005/2006 كاس  السوبر الاسباني
2004/2005 بطولة الليغا
 القابـه مـع الأرجنتيـن
2004-2005 كاس العالم للشباب تحت 20 سنة
2008 الميدالية الذهبية في الألعاب الأولمبية في بكين
 الجوائـز الفرديـة
 ثاني افضل لاعب في العالم بأختيار الفيفا  في 2007
ثاني افضل لاعب في العالم باختيار الفيفا 2008
افضل مهاجم في دوري ابطال اوروبا 2009
افضل لاعب في دوري ابطال اوروبا 2009
أفضل لاعب في العالم 2009
أفضل لاعب في أوروبا 2009
أفضل لاعب في إسبانيا 2009
أفضل لاعب في العالم 2010


الأحد، 19 يونيو 2011


Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese professional player playing for Portugal for the football, played in the ranks of former Manchester United, Real Madrid now and then, he started playing football when he was three years old and had a clear passion for football since the initial phase of study. Began playing with a team of amateurs, Andorenha, when he was only eight years, and his father worked as a reformer of the tools at this club. By 1995 and had reached the age of ten he wanted the two main clubs in the islands of Madeira, Ronaldo join the ranks of the junior club. Has been chosen by FIFA as the best player in the world for the year 2008, the Manchester United in July 2009 to agree to move to Real Madrid for (94 million euros, 132 million), which is the most expensive deal in the history of the sport.
Upbringing and his life Cristiano Ronaldo was born on the fifth of February 1985 in the Portuguese island of Madeira. [1], and his father died due to excessive smoking, which is supported by his mother and entered the club to play football and became the legends of football and the best player in 2008 Career start Although the club Boavista Porto and they wanted him, but his father refused, because it is still a young man. All clubs that have dealt with him admired his talent for the old as well as maturity of mind and not recklessness. In 2002 played for the first time against the club Moreirins and scored two goals in his first appearance, and thus achieved his dream and also the fans love him so much, and felt confident after scoring goals and encourage the public has scored a team Boavista, one of the teams competing for the title. On October 19, 2005 Ronaldo was questioned by British police on charges of raping a young woman in a hotel in central London, where he claimed that the young Ronaldo raped her luxury apartment in the hotel after a day of the match between Fulham and Manchester [2]. But a prosecutor later pointed to the lack of sufficient evidence to charge the player Portuguese [3]. February 7, 2007 in the Spanish newspapers picked up rumors about Cristiano Ronaldo move to FC Barcelona in the negotiations was rumored then that one of its edges is a Saudi businessman Mansour Balawi famous club president and a member of the Saudi Honorary Barcelona [4]. Cristiano Ronaldo had a role in the incident and the expulsion of the English team-mate Wayne Rooney in England's match against Portugal during their World Cup 2006. Faced because of this incident, the public rebuke and ridicule English at the beginning of the season in England and Ronaldo has seemed to incite the referee sent off Rooney after stepping on the last player Ricardo Carvalho. His cause Cristiano Ronaldo obtaining Rooney a red card extensive media coverage, as published by some newspapers news that Wayne Rooney has expressed his extreme anger at Ronaldo in the next morning for the match and said to his colleagues in the dining room at the hotel that will "cut off Ronaldo is a two-piece and that Sasfh and will break his head will not one can blame me for that, "[5]. The way to Manchester United Ronaldo joined at the age of 16 to the ranks of youth team Sporting Lisbon, which was taken from the city of Alcocheta next door in which he moved away for the first time in his hometown and his family but had received training in football professionally for the first time, I realize management club Sporting Lisbon to move away Ronaldo for his family may affect his performance and he needs more support to the family that decided to order the club and his mother move from the islands of Madeira to the city Alcocheta. The first official match with Sporting Lisbon before the club Morirens and Ronaldo scored two goals in that game [6] Ronaldo joined to Portugal for the football under the age of 17 in the tournament organized by the European Union to football, where DAI Ronaldo monitoring and attention on a larger scale, were monitored Ronaldo care of the big clubs in Europe including Liverpool and Juventus were the first to note the skills of Ronaldo accurately coach former club Liverpool Gerard Oye and presented to the club included Ronaldo to the club but the administration rejected the idea of ​​the young age of Ronaldo as he was just 16 years, said chairman of the club that Ronaldo young and needs some time to prepare it as a footballer playing in the competitions have had the experience of the summit for 28 days at Arsenal, but the negotiations did not succeed [7]. In the summer of 2003 and in games for Sporting Lisbon against Manchester United, raised Ronaldo interest manager of Manchester Alex Ferguson when he won the Sporting Lisbon to Manchester United in a friendly international on the occasion of opening of the stadium Alvalade in Lisbon, where Ronaldo was the main reason that Manchester United lost 3-1, where proved his ability to play both wings, and after the game, players talked about the level Almanstr Ronaldo to play, and then insisted on Ferguson to buy it because other clubs were about to buy it, so the 18 of August 2003 Cristiano Ronaldo wearing the red shirt. [8]. The defender Manchester Irishman John O'Shea object of ridicule from his colleagues at the end of the game because they talk focused on how the rip off when Ronaldo O'Shea for minutes ninety to lead his team to win and were quick to talk with Ferguson about it to express his admiration for Balvinyat high for this player [9].Ronaldo was talk of the press in the next day and agreed to be considered one of stars of the future so that one of them did not hesitate in saying "We do not need to Beckham, the presence of Ronaldo" Portuguese Queiroz, commenting on the Real Madrid offered to buy Ronaldo for 120 million euros: money world is not enough to buy Ronaldo. No, no. Real Madrid, but money alone is enough to buy 10 of Cristiano Much remains [9]. His personal life On September 7, 2005 father died Ronaldo, Dennis Aveiro, but after hours of receipt of that report to play for Portugal in World Cup 2006 against the Russian national team for football, [10] but the coach of Manchester granted leave and allowed him to return to his hometown to participate in the funeral ceremony of his father in the September 10, 2005 He missed his team's match with Manchester City in Manchester that day, but he played with Manchester in the subsequent Mparth against Villarreal in the Champions League. In October 2005, Ronaldo was questioned with another man by British police on charges of sexual assault but the charge was dropped for lack of evidence [11]. In September 2006, published by some newspapers alleged the existence of a relationship for Ronaldo with a television presenter Portuguese name Mersch Romero, a divorcee, and grow Ronaldo nine years, for its part does not have Ronaldo to confirm or deny these allegations and chose to keep his personal life away from the noise of the press [12]. After qualifying the 2006 World Cup Ronaldo traveled to Indonesia to visit the areas affected by the tsunami and to support victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and met with Vice-President the Indonesian Jusuf Kalla and East Timor President Xanana Gusmao and contributed campaign donations, amounting to U.S. $ 120,000 from a public auction of his clothes sports personality [13 ] it has also to pay the travel expenses of child victims of the earthquake with his father to attend a match against Portugal in the World Cup 2006. Ronaldo has a house worth up to £ 3 million in a suburb of Manchester [14]. After his move to Real Madrid sold this house to a player Mantstr City of 6.5 million euros after Cristiano Ronaldo was bought by B 3.0 million euros in 2003 And on 07/03/2010 a few days after the departure of the Portuguese national team from the World Cup, announced that Ronaldo over Cefanah official with both Twitter and Facebook that he became a father, a child of a mother is unknown, as to the subject of the nursery it is Cristiano full, and the official spokesman for Ronaldo the news, saying the news is true and not the result of my breakthrough Ronaldo as the most common, and one of the sisters commented on the matter by asserting Ronaldo said he will fly with joy and pride, and that the child has hair the color of his eyes Ronaldo and two structures. Manchester United Manchester United coach, Alex Ferguson is looking for a right wing for his team after the transfer of David Beckham to Real Madrid. The Ronaldo signed a contract moving to Manchester providing $ amount to 12.24 million pounds sterling and the game's first official Manchester as a substitute reduce minute 60 of the match against Bolton Wanderers and the result is that moment 1 0 in favor of Manchester, entered the game after an hour of its beginning and was received by the public welcome hot at Old Trafford has led the game actively and tight defense of Bolton, after the entry Ronaldo match-making two goals and earned a penalty as a result of blocking illegal by the player Ruud van Nistelrooy [15] but the goalkeeper managed to fend off the penalty but it did not affect the final result the match ended in victory as Manchester 4 0. After that game, Ronaldo began the name appears heavily in the British press with headlines such as "Seventh Heaven" and declared that one of the best media players, Manchester, has been compared with the Red Devils legend George Best.The responsibility is great on Ronaldo because he wore Alvanlh No. 7, which had previously worn the best players in the club's history, including George Best, Bryan Robson, Eric Cantona and the French star David Beckham [9]. Ronaldo has problems because of his temperament sharp at times during the games and was sent off in the match against Manchester City and was denied by the Alathadalurbi football to play one game for directing middle finger to fans of Benfica as a means of insulting the fans of this club [16] in a Champions League matches in December 2005. During a friendly match with Portugal's squad for the Luxembourg Football Ronaldo got a yellow card for pushing a player from his neck to block the reaction suffered by that player. On October 29, 2005 Ronaldo was able to record the 1000 goal in the history of Manchester in the English Premier League Ronaldo matured a lot during his first year with Manchester United and played a key role in the progress Portugal football to the final of Euro 2004 where they played against Greece in a match played on the land of Portugal, defeated Portugal in order to progress because of the counter-attack from the defense team of Greece. Ronaldo was also named to play in the Olympic soccer team in Portugal in 2004, and despite the failure of the team in this tournament but all the lights are kept on the young star Ronaldo and show that it has become of the giants of Portuguese football. In the Olympic Games in Athens won the players elected Iraq Football Olympic Portugal 4.2 and everyone was expected to beat Portugal and during the game away with Ronaldo from the penalty of expulsion, and the only rule Banmarh after hitting striker Younis Mahmoud elbow most recent has a deep wound above his eye in the 19th minute and in the second half. [17]. 2006 World Cup His first international appearance for Portugal with Ronaldo in August 2003 against Kazakhstan national team football. Ronaldo scored Portugal's only goal in a match where his team lost to Greece 2 1 in the opening match of Euro Cup Football 2004 and also scored the first goal in the semi-finals in the same tournament against the Netherlands. A group of Portugal in the 2006 World Cup with Iran, Angola, Mexico, was able to Ronaldo to score a goal against Iran from the penalty spot, after having qualified for the Portuguese national team to the second round, he met with the Netherlands Football Association, came out of that game is infected after tackle on Dutch defender Khalid Boulahrouz, won Portugal in order to none, and qualified the team to the quarter-final. In the quarter-final met Portugal's counterpart in England, ended the match between the two teams tie, and after resorting to the penalties Altrighristih Ronaldo scored the final blow of blows Amentb his country to victory over England, but the English press for his nation at his disposal in Hadih expulsion of Wayne Rooney, it has struckWayne Rooney and Portugal defender Ricardo Carvalho, Cristiano Ronaldo ran 40 meters to reach the referee to argue with him, asking him to expel his colleague at Manchester United. In the semi-final, met with Portugal's Football French counterpart, and managed the French team to win in order to none, has met Portugal owner of the land and the public for Germany football match to decide third and fourth, and able for Germany to win by three goals to one goal At the end of the tournament, it was Cristiano Ronaldo is competing with Germany's Lukas Podolski and Ecuador's Luis Valencia was named best young player in the tournament, but Lukas Podolski won the award after seeing the Select Committee that the actions of Ronaldo does not help him win with such unfair [18]. After causing indirect incident of the expulsion of Wayne Rooney and writing the British press as being the main reason for Rooney's red card Ronaldo told some journalists that he believed it was better to leave Manchester because, after that incident, the Aldharov may not be appropriate to stay there and said he Msttad to move to Real Madrid and he dreams of playing in the Spanish league, but a step deferred because NH Mazel at the beginning of his career, "Ronaldo said:" I am happy with interest the riyal, which is one of the clubs the world's great, no one can predict what can happen in the future and will leave things as moving. "[19]. in the July 9, 2006, in an interview with Portuguese television Ronaldo said: I do not understand at all compelling reason for all this to the attack by the British press did not behave I am wrong, because England lost the match and no one can blame me to defend the colors of my country, I can not work and live in a place where people Aihbna. Despite the show Ronaldo wanted to play in Spain one day, it is in the March 8, 2007 began negotiations with Manchester United about a contract extension, which ends with the club in 2010 and the BBC reported on its Web site that Manchester is keen to keep him the Portuguese, which he described Alex Ferguson, coach of the team as the best player in the world [20]. November 25, 2006 in the newspaper asserted, "Sun" that Ronaldo would become the British specialist penalty in Manchester United after the failure of French striker Louis Saha in the payment of the penalty calculated for Manchester in a game contest the Champions League [21]. Now, the player moved to Real Madrid in a deal that is the highest in the world worth 94 million euros 


